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Friday, December 24, 2010

Happy Birthday Indefinite Cacophobia!

In honor of Indefinite Cacophobia's first birthday...

Welcome to The 365 Day Egan Awards!
Hosted by myself, I will award various respects to several acheivements here on Indefinite Cacophobia and better yet in the entire blogging world.
The Top 10 Egan Awards of the Year! Here we go!
I liked this baby up just for ya, enjoy some great works from blogger's finests.

#1: The ugliest post - "Cacophobia"
Congratulations to Tori Vallana of Indefinite Cacophobia.
#2: For the safety of the public - "Gray Men Awareness"
I'll pat myself on the back for this one.
#3: Blog associated with the cutest baby - H^E
go hans!
#4: Most Regreted Post - "Regret"
Congratulations to Kimber Mcdonagh of Indefinite Cacophobia
#5: Most Underrated Blog - Blog of Corinne
#6: Most inspirational Blog Post - "Thank the drink company that paid for your long board."
Congratulations to my big sissy, Nicole Egan, of Progressive Loitering
#7: Funniest Blog Post - "fish, gas, and Harry Potter. "
Nicole, again.
#8: 2nd Best Blog on Earth - Progressive Loitering
Congrats to Nick and Nicole. No one knows the other authors?
#9: Most Secret Blog - The Secret Club Blog
does this make it no longer a secret? woops.
how many real followers do we have anyway... like 5?
#10: Coolest Post-Clue
Congrats to Nick at Progressive Loitering

Here at Indefinite Cacophobia, we appreciate all efforts and support you in your blogging endeavours. Thankyou and Congrats on a great year and keep on blogging!

oh yeah and merry christmas eve!


Hsquared2 said...

I'd like to thank all those who made my winning such a blog award possible, most notably the baby himself. And all those who have believed in my blogging skills. And a special thanks to I.C. You've done a great job!

Caitlin said...

you're welcome! keep on blogging! =)

Kimberly said...

hahahaha I LOVE THIS!
"I'll pat myself on the back for that one" <3 Thanks for the award!