Est. 12/09

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Sunday, December 12, 2010


some people live in the past, not good
we should live in the now
but i live in the future, almost to a weird extent
I'm not even concerned with now because in my mind it's already over
I am always so excited for EVERYTHING, every little thing
I just count down the days, everything is so great
and each day it just gets better and better
im getting closer, its goes so fast but so slow
i am ready i am ready
you decide
change one choice you have made and you are a different person
free agency, its great!
you can do what you want, be what you want
future future future , yay yay yay
Albert Einstein said "I never think of the future - it comes soon enough."


Kimberly said...

If you always live in the future, you miss all the good things happening now. live for today.

Caitlin said...

i know. i need help