Est. 12/09

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Thursday, December 2, 2010


Recently a couple random people in my classes at school asked me if I had A.D.D.
I thought they were just being jerks. But they actually wanted to know in all seriousness. I was so confused. Of course I don't. But how could I ever know if I hadn't been tested for it. I wouldn't. I guess I could have a mild case. I dont think I have trouble focusing. I just choose not to focus sometimes. Is that something an A.D.D. person would say? But if im interested I can listen for hours and hear every word, but if I'm bored then I just choose to think about my own world. The kid who sits behind me in AP Stat asked because my paper is filled with stars and other bizzarre shapes and doodles. But that helps me focus. When I'm bored I will make designs on my notes and write in weird and sometimes huge fonts for just one word here or one word there. That actually keeps me there and sane. I get good grades in school though and I dont have to try. I feel like people with A.D.D. struggle with school and I definatley don't. So that is the light of hope for me. I'm like a little kid. I told my mom. shes thinks I should be tested. Now I'm thinking of all the diseases, disorders and problems out there that I probably have and you have that we dont know because we were never tested and never will be. We live our lives and never know. I think ignorance is bliss. Now I do have trouble focusing because people told me I do. If only I was more powerful than my mind. It wins everytime.

orange juice

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

we have a little ADD in us.