Est. 12/09

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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

oh to be young again

One pet peeve of mine is when older people say how much they miss high school and wish they could be young again. Yes, being young and in high school is fun. I'm sure you had a great time while you were there. And I'm sure I will say this myself when I am older. But what I really don't understand is why the fun ever had to stop. each phase of your life deserves to be and should be fun and fulfilling. Life is what you make it (thanks Hannah Montana) You should always be having fun, just maybe not the same kind of fun. It's also a waste of your time to sit around and wish that you were younger and could have fun. That obviously isn't going to happen. So take what you have and make the most of it. Do something crazy. Go outside of your everyday life comfort zone. Don't waste your time wishing- waste your time doing.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

hey merry christmas

christmas day is almost over, but i'll keep it in my heart for a lil while longer.

Friday, December 24, 2010

It's a party!

It's a party for two reasons. Number 1 its in Indefinite Cacophobia's birthday and number 2 because it's Christmas Eve. But chances are you already knew both of these things and I am just stating the obvious. A lot has happened in the past year, running from the cops, crossing things off the bucket list (crowd surfing) and many (too many?) obsessions. But if you think this past year was crazy, just wait until next year. Big changes are about to happen for Indefinite Cacophobia. Brace yourself. Next year we are leaving Pennsylvania. This time next year we will be on college break. Caitlin will be living it up in Provo. I will either be in Boston or Richmond, VA. Tori will be at OU or Syracuse. I can sense your worried expressions but, THIS BLOG WILL LIVE ON! Even when we arn't together the blog will truimph. Look foward to exciting adventures from all of us in different parts of the country.


Happy Birthday Us!

Wow, a whole year! And we are still going strong. We have grown so much as a blog, and as people. We started as little babies trying to be cool and make a blog. Some people may think we are still little babies, but I feel that our blog has matured, as Kim, Caitlin and I have. This blog means so much to us. It is basically a documentation of our high school years for the whole world to see (well at least the dedicated uglies see it-thanks guys) It bonds us as bloggers and BFFs; almost like sisters. I get just as excited over a new post now as I did when we first started. I hope this blog lasts for the rest of our lives. I will still post when I am 70. Until the day I die even. This is more than just a blog, it's a biography of our lives. And I love it so much. So this post goes out to us. Happy Birthday Indefinite Cacophobia- writers and followers, to many more years of happy blogging.

Happy Birthday Indefinite Cacophobia!

In honor of Indefinite Cacophobia's first birthday...

Welcome to The 365 Day Egan Awards!
Hosted by myself, I will award various respects to several acheivements here on Indefinite Cacophobia and better yet in the entire blogging world.
The Top 10 Egan Awards of the Year! Here we go!
I liked this baby up just for ya, enjoy some great works from blogger's finests.

#1: The ugliest post - "Cacophobia"
Congratulations to Tori Vallana of Indefinite Cacophobia.
#2: For the safety of the public - "Gray Men Awareness"
I'll pat myself on the back for this one.
#3: Blog associated with the cutest baby - H^E
go hans!
#4: Most Regreted Post - "Regret"
Congratulations to Kimber Mcdonagh of Indefinite Cacophobia
#5: Most Underrated Blog - Blog of Corinne
#6: Most inspirational Blog Post - "Thank the drink company that paid for your long board."
Congratulations to my big sissy, Nicole Egan, of Progressive Loitering
#7: Funniest Blog Post - "fish, gas, and Harry Potter. "
Nicole, again.
#8: 2nd Best Blog on Earth - Progressive Loitering
Congrats to Nick and Nicole. No one knows the other authors?
#9: Most Secret Blog - The Secret Club Blog
does this make it no longer a secret? woops.
how many real followers do we have anyway... like 5?
#10: Coolest Post-Clue
Congrats to Nick at Progressive Loitering

Here at Indefinite Cacophobia, we appreciate all efforts and support you in your blogging endeavours. Thankyou and Congrats on a great year and keep on blogging!

oh yeah and merry christmas eve!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

I have an obsessive personality

I have an obsessive personality. Everything I do, I go all out. can't stop. I want to do everything. My most recent obsession, as in the last two days, which is what prompted me to write this post, is Robot Unicorn Attack. It can be found on facebook or on the itunes app store. If you have a life, do not try this game at home. It will take over. It may result in poor performance in school, bad health, ruined relationships, procrastination, and anger management. It is dangerous if not used sparingly. I'm always playing. I want to beat everyone, and the song is so catchy. I know its a problem and I need to stop but i know if i do stop i will just find someone else to obsess over in the near future. so whats the point. But greater than this unicorn game, is the obsession present in my entire life. I need to think this through and decide whether in general this is good or bad. I have seen it both ways, and I just need to figure out what's going on.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


what is Love
who defines it-
you define it.
have I ever been in Love;
can a teenager ever be in Love
what is Love at first sight-
a lame excuse for lust
out of the billions of people in the world,
how will you ever find the right one
when does really like turn to Love,
how can you tell,
when do you mean it
is Love like a fairy tale,
or a Taylor Swift song
does everyone find their happily ever after
so many questions,
but who has the answers?

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Fake or Nice?

Is there a difference? I feel like these two words get mixed up once in a while. For an example, if you dont like someone but have to go to school with them and interact daily with them? Should you ignore them and be rude and "real"? Or should you be nice to them not to cause problems, hurt feelings and come across as a huge jerk? It's fake to pretend you like them, but doesnt it just make you more mature and civil? Where is the boundry? There is no answer its only opinion. But in some cases I think nice is the way to go, as long as you dont treat the person like a best friend because that would be fake. Any opinions uglies?

Sunday, December 12, 2010


some people live in the past, not good
we should live in the now
but i live in the future, almost to a weird extent
I'm not even concerned with now because in my mind it's already over
I am always so excited for EVERYTHING, every little thing
I just count down the days, everything is so great
and each day it just gets better and better
im getting closer, its goes so fast but so slow
i am ready i am ready
you decide
change one choice you have made and you are a different person
free agency, its great!
you can do what you want, be what you want
future future future , yay yay yay
Albert Einstein said "I never think of the future - it comes soon enough."

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Being Fat is a Choice

Fat people complain about being fat. Skinny people complain about being fat. Fat people choose to be fat and skinny people choose to be skinny. What you eat and how much you exercise are your own personal decisions. Sometimes I think it's okay to be a little fat and just eat whatever you want. Then you can do a billion crunches later to avoid a fat pack.
Some people may be on the other end of the spectrum and rarely eat anything and never exercise. For me it's a balance between the two. Some days I eat nothing and some days I eat the whole house. Sometimes I run 6 miles and do 100 crunches and sometimes I lay on the couch and watch TV. I like to stay healthy so I can live a long, happy life. Being fat is a choice...and I choose fat for now but skinny overall.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Harry Potter Is NOT A Christmas Movie

Almost every night in December before bed and after my homework I watch a Christmas movie to get my daily dose of Christmas spirit. I try to rely on ABC Family's 25 Days of Christmas thinking they would provide an adequate selection for me. But for some peculiar reason they think it is acceptable to play movies that have NOTHING to do with Christmas.

This past weekend was Harry Potter weekend, which is not a Christmas movie and I was very disappointed. And no, just because it snows or there is one christmas scene in all seven movies, does not qualify it as a Christmas movie. Last year The Incredibles were thrown in the 25 days of Christmas line-up. While this is a fantastic movie, I do not want to see it in December. I want to get in the Christmas mood by watching a Christmas movie at night.

So if anyone from ABC Family happens to stumble upon this blog and read this post:
please and thank you :)

Friday, December 3, 2010

I Love Being Me

Everyone wants to be someone else at one point in their lives. A superhero or celebrity. Maybe just a regular person that they admire. All of the cool benefits you would get. Flying, VIP access, fame, fortune; the good life. But I have come to realize that it is pretty darn good just being yourself. Sometimes I wish that I was as pretty as, as smart as, as cool as, as [insert adjective here] as someone else. But then I think, would it really be all that great? Having to look that good all the time and be the center of attention, or answer everyone's questions all the time, or be friends with the whole school everyday; not really. You would loose yourself. All of the seemingly amazing qualities that everyone wants would be pretty sucky in real life. I love the character traits that I have. My actions, ideas, and decisions. I respect myself. I think that everyone should. It's the easiest thing to do and it makes you 98% more self confident. I would never trade who I am for more popularity, good looks, or brains. I love being myself too much.

Get Outta Here

Why are people afraid of change? I am not applying to school in Pennsylvania. College is a time for change and students are given the opportunity to do something new. But most people in my school apply to local schools and plan to either live at home or come home EVERY weekend. Some people even go to college across the highway from our high school. You can literally see it from our high school. College is when we are given the chance to live on our own without our parents. Why won't people leave?

Look at all the places you could go without even leaving the country

Thursday, December 2, 2010


Recently a couple random people in my classes at school asked me if I had A.D.D.
I thought they were just being jerks. But they actually wanted to know in all seriousness. I was so confused. Of course I don't. But how could I ever know if I hadn't been tested for it. I wouldn't. I guess I could have a mild case. I dont think I have trouble focusing. I just choose not to focus sometimes. Is that something an A.D.D. person would say? But if im interested I can listen for hours and hear every word, but if I'm bored then I just choose to think about my own world. The kid who sits behind me in AP Stat asked because my paper is filled with stars and other bizzarre shapes and doodles. But that helps me focus. When I'm bored I will make designs on my notes and write in weird and sometimes huge fonts for just one word here or one word there. That actually keeps me there and sane. I get good grades in school though and I dont have to try. I feel like people with A.D.D. struggle with school and I definatley don't. So that is the light of hope for me. I'm like a little kid. I told my mom. shes thinks I should be tested. Now I'm thinking of all the diseases, disorders and problems out there that I probably have and you have that we dont know because we were never tested and never will be. We live our lives and never know. I think ignorance is bliss. Now I do have trouble focusing because people told me I do. If only I was more powerful than my mind. It wins everytime.

orange juice

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

in this world but not of it

everything is blurry
no one sees good and bad
or right and wrong
its dissappeared and faded away
they are confused
cant see
bored and lost
they're not looking
wheres the wholesome
I live in this world but not of it


I regret everything. Well, actually I don't think I have every regretted something majorly important, but I regret little things. I know it's bad, but I can't help it. I regret stupid things like what I wear. If I can't decide between flip flops and sneakers. No matter which one I choose, as soon as I walk out the door, I wish I chose the other one. I over think it then regret it. I try to stop. I need to stop. But I can't. I am trying. Life is too short to regret stupid, pointless things.


Early creeping peeking excited unwrapping sparkle gifts snowy shopping wonderful santa shiny happy momentous family cozy food warmth glowing visiting traveling giving celebration photographs memories past present future spirit praise glory close heaven angel winter playtime fort fight snowman snowfriend end night relax fulfillment rest silent sleep dream pleasant innocent peace