Est. 12/09

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Sunday, July 3, 2011

illegal things that shouldn't be blogged about

so long story short... i got involved with some shady kids and did some things i'm not too proud of.....HA no just kidding. I just feel the constant need for REBELLION, muawhahaha. but don't be fooled, i am just a little mormon girl who likes to pretend i am rebellious so i make up stories to blog about to convince our wide fan base of loyal followers that obvi check this blog erryday. but when i say make up stories i mean ones that actually happened, yeah.
well i was basically forced to go with some punks and steal a cow sign for a gift for someone. of course i hungered for rebellion but really i was just a little baby really scared to do it. I GET SCARED. okay so we had the plans to get it and on our way there....WE SEE A COW OFF THE SIDE OF THE ROAD. it looked the cops had pulled it over, hilariously ironic really. it was a sign. (PUN INTENDED :D) a bad sign. i knew things would go downhill from here, what are the odds of a cow being on the road right next to the cow sign that we were going to take that same night. weiiird things happen to me, weird things. so we get the tools or whatever and go to get it regardless of bizarre cow experiences earlier that day. (p.s. cows have always creeped me out. like they don't move. their legs, its just creepy. and on those shows like twister where they are floating around in tornados...just not something that i like) << so this adds to my uneasy feeling about this cow sign. its obviously dark out and we are walking towards the sign. (I would be scared just walking in the dark, without an evil purpose, let alone with one. however i repeatively do these things i am scared of, I LIKE A RUSH)
sooo....turns out we are idiots. dang, hate when that happens. the sign is way higher than we imagined and can definitely not be reached. its like double our size. after alot of debating and planning off the side of the road by the sign, where of course a million cars are going by at midnight, i mean why wouldn't they be, sucks. we decide to try the shoulder method and we lift each other up (extremely painful) my sister is loosening and loosening then a car comes.....( if you remember from earlier...we are idiots. so we decide they will not care because they are probably chill dumb kids like us. so she keeps going. the car gives off girly screams and an obnoxiously loud horn. well thats irritating but they passed so whatevesies....."um. guys.... guys they are turning around" CRAAAAAPP. we were doomed, something bad was going to happen to us, worst feeling ever we were going to end up where all people who try to steal cow signs end up..... they stopped in front of us and rolled down the window. the girl started speaking, that was mildly annoying. especially because she had one of those voices, if you know what i mean. that kind of voice that i can't even describe because i don't say such things. she spoke, "um what are you guys doing??" we all froze and were silent. then my sister mumbled as she was unscrewing the sign "...what does it look like we are doing" the enemy said "well just so you know we have your license plate number and the cops are on their way so good luck and have fun!!!! :) :) :)" first good decision of the night was to stop getting the sign and go back to our car at this point. i was so scared BIGGEST RUSH OF MY LIFE, im just a lil baby scared of everything. we waited for the cops there forever and they never came. they wanted to go back and get it, but i was too scared. i hate cows now. i never even liked them, they are creepy how they don't move, it's just there legs there. scary. and there is those movies of them flying through the sky in the twister and they are green and weird looking and not moving. COWS mean bad news. i will remember this throughout my life. EVERY COW SIGN HAUNTS ME NOW. no i am not cool.

1 comment:

Tori said...

sooo...did you get the sign?