It was the end of the world/cleansing of the earth. The entire earth/land turned to water, but we weren't drowning. The land had shallow parts with little islands just under the surface of the water so we were fine. Then the most beautiful, indescribable and amazing lights anyone had ever saw appeared in the distance in a nearby city. My dad knew we had to go to the lights. He said something like if there is anything that pretty and touchable we want to be by it, and we dont want to be the ones in the darkness. We followed him because he was so sure that we needed to leave our current town. Before we left we tried to convince other families to come with us to "the city of lights". No one wanted to leave their homes. In their mind they were happy where they were. Everything was going perfect. Why would they leave their homes to go to an unusual and unfamiliar place. They didn't know what the lights were and they were too scared for the change. My family left. When we arrived at the lights they were beautiful and the land was great. We were very happy and glad we had gone to the lights. Then a giant monsterous and evil shark/whale came flying out of the water right below our family. It disappeared shooting up so high it went through the clouds. What goes up must come down so we knew it would come back right to us. I started swimming for my life so fast I was so scared. I heard my dad calling to me "no cait come back we have to stay by the lights" I knew if I stayed the shark would eat me. I kept swimming. I was terrified, swimming so fast I barely noticed the shark swimming downstream toward all the people who didn't go to the lights and me! my family was safe. It wasn't until this moment when the location of "the city of lights" became obvious. It was on the top of a mountain. It was higher than all the other lands, and all the rest was downhill. So why would the shark turn around and swim up a mile to eat my family when he could just swim down the mountain and eat the rest of the world. It was so obvious at this point but before I was sure that the shark would eat us at the lights. At this moment of realization I never felt so bad in my entire life. I felt like a traitor and that I had betrayed my family. I felt so bad that I was so prideful. I thought I knew everything and I only trusted myself and my own instinct. I didn't have faith and I didn't listen. I was just crying and crying as I was swimming as fast as I could knowing that I would soon be eaten by the shark. I have never regreted anything this much before, and there was no turning back. If I turned around I would be inbetween the shark and the people down below. I wouldn't stand a chance.
At this point the dream ended and I woke up. I was just crying and crying after I woke up in my bed. I felt so bad, the same way I felt in the dream even when I was awake. A feeling of emptiness and dissappointment. It was really a humbling experience, and I knew that I didn't know everything I thought I did. Now usually when I wake up from a dream then fall back asleep I can never finish the dream and sometimes I even want to know what happens but I never can. But this time, strangely, I did.
This part of the dream was a little blurry to me, but somehow I was saved I stayed ahead of the shark and kept swimming while it stopped to eat all the others in the world and I made it all the way back up to the lights. When I was reunited with my family they were all crying and hugging me. I was so lucky and they were so grateful. It was my second chance. They kept saying you're getting a second chance. I was so happy that I was okay but I was still a little shaken up about the whole experience and was not myself. I told my family how the shark ate everyone in the world and it was only our little family and the others that were at the city of lights. Then Nicole, my sister, recieved a text message and said that she had just heard from her friend danny that he was fine down at the bottom. I was so confused I saw the shark eat everyone. Then she assured me that he went inside a building along with a few others when they saw the shark coming.
Then I felt like I was in a seperate dream, or even real life. I was warming up at an indoor track meet with the others on my team. It was a huge and very important meet and everyone was very serious and intense, nervously warming up and getting ready to run. I kept trying to tell everyone about the whole story, because it was all I could think about, kind of like right now. Everyone kept telling me to be quiet and ignoring me. They didn't care or undersdtand why I would be making up this nonsense when they were too busy with their own lives and the meet. I was slowly turning invisible and each person I told acknowledged me less until eventually they couldn't hear me anymore. Then out of now where my english teacher, who would never be at a track meet, stood up and said "now who heard about that whale shark?" everything paused and everyone stopped and looked at me. They were all amazed that I was right about the whole story and they didn't believe before but now they knew.
I didn't even read this but I love it.
haha thanks?
so awesome.
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