Est. 12/09

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Saturday, September 11, 2010

Chocolate Milk

Once upon a time, I drank some chocolate milk. Everyone loves chocolate milk. Like not the syrup that you mix with plain milk, but the pre-mixed stuff from the grocery store. It's so creamy and thick and delicious that it's really hard to resist. So me, Caitlin and our friend Erika bought some chocolate milk and candy to eat at my house before our school's football game. My mom ordered pizzas and it was a jolly time. So before the pizza got there, we wanted a small glass of chocolate milk. I poured one for each of us as we sat around the dining room table on our laptops. So Caitlin and I drink ours in 5 seconds because that is how fast we eat/drink everything. So to be funny and frankly just because she wanted more milk, Caitlin sneaks and grabs Erika's glass and drinks the rest of hers while Erika is consumed with her laptop. Genius. As the night goes on Caitlin and I laugh every time Erika takes a sip of her new, larger glass of milk because she never even noticed that Caitlin stole her old glass. Erika gets suspicious and thinks that Caitlin put something in her milk. She begins crazily dumping her milk out searching for something in it, but obviously there wasn't anything in it. Erika is VERY upset because Caitlin won't tell her what happened. Then she sits on top of Caitlin screaming "What did you do to it?" so Caitlin says "What did I do to what?" and Erika's piercing shrill fills my entire street when she yelled "MY MILK!!!!". At this point Caitlin and I are dying. After Erika somewhat calms down it is time to go to the football game. So Caitlin quickly texts all of our friends and tells them to ask Erika if she liked her milk at the game. So when we got there people randomly came up to her and asked her how her milk was and she gets sooo mad because at this point she still has no clue what Caitlin did! Then this morning at the crack of dawn we were on a school bus on the way to a cross country meet and Caitlin finally told Erika what she did to her milk. And Erika thought it was the stupidest thing ever. And they all lived happily ever after, the end.

1 comment:

Caitlin said...

hahahaha love our life