Est. 12/09

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Thursday, August 18, 2011

A Test

College tests many difference things... independence, academics, social skills, morals and friendship, just to a name a few. With all the goodbyes going on right now I can't help but wonder what friends will play a part in the next chapter of my life and who will be just a high school memory. Having moved a couple of times, I realized that only few stay true in the long run. I wonder who will randomly send you a text to see how you're doing? Who will want to skype to fill you in on the important happenings in their life? Who will creep through all your facebook pictures to see who your friends are? Who will move on with their life and not contact you until christmas break when they want someone to hang out with? Who will seem to disappear completely. College will test these things and help me find out who my true friends are.

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