Est. 12/09

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Monday, February 15, 2010

Snow week

This year will always be the known as the year we got 2 winter breaks. Christmas is the obvious one, but due to a crazy blizzard that hit Latrobe ferbruary 5th, we got a week off of school. The only difference was this time was not planned and each night the entire school had to check the website to see how much longer they could procrastinate doing their homework. That's right Uglies, a whole solid week of cancellations. It can't get much better. :) So what if it cuts in to our summer? I want break, and I want it now!

the top of the fort

I spent my week doing numerous things, but the highlight was building Fort Shine (the name is an inside joke) in Caitlin Egan's driveway. From the snow that piled up from shoveling the driveway we made the best fort known to man kind. We made a room for her dog (our most frequent visitor), a main room (big enough for 6 people), a tunnel to another room (big enough for 2-3 people), and a snow tunnel slide(can get dangerous). This fort will go down in history. Don't believe me? Check out the siiick vid at and be amazed!

inside the biggest room!

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