Est. 12/09

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Wednesday, July 10, 2013


Like every other person on the planet, I like knowing that the life path I have set up for myself is the right one. There never really is a way of knowing. But sometimes those little things just happen and pieces fall into place and you just know in your heart that you are in the right place at the right time and doing the right things. And it feels amazing.

This fall I am going to school to study nutrition. Which I love. I love food. I love chemistry. I love being healthy. I love exercise. But you never know what's going to happen. I thought I loved journalism at one point and we all know how that turned out. There is always a little bit of self-doubt in the back of your mind. Especially with such a big decision. This is what I'm going to do for the rest of my life. 

To help myself build up credits, I'm taking a few classes this summer. One of them is psychology. Which I found out is actually super interesting and I very much like doing work for that class. Everything is all in your mind. I've said that forever. Most of your life is in your mind, what you mentally make of it. Your emotions and attitude. Completely up to how you perceive them in your mind. If you think you are happy, you are. If you think your life sucks, you get depressed. Well apparently there is a whole science dedicated to these thoughts I have. Crazy.

Also this summer, I have to read a book before I go to school this fall. I thought it was going to be something really dumb about how college is going to help me in life and blah blah blah. Turns out the book is all about how our brain works and correlates perfectly with my psychology class. Score. So I'm reading the first chapter and it's all about how exercise increases cognition and decreases risk for so many diseases. I could go on and on for ages about how important it is to be physically active in life. I want to be that 75-year-old grandma who still goes to kickboxing classes. That could be a whole different post. But basically the chapter said that our memory and mental alertness and intelligence and the way we age in general significantly improves even with just 20-30 minutes of physical activity a few times a week. Our species was built to walk some 12 miles a day, not to sit in an office for 8 hours a day. It makes sense and it's so cool. The book is called Brain Rules if you want to check it out.

I think I may have digressed a bit too much. The point of this post is not to show you how awesome psychology and exercise are. The point is that I happened to take this psychology class, which happened to relate to this book I'm reading for school, which happened to relate brain activity to physical activity and diet, which happens to relate to the major I have chosen. All of these little intertwined things fell into place and I just had this moment of "Whoa, things all make sense". It made me feel like I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing and I feel great about it. Sometimes a little bit of affirmation is all we need.

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