Today was sunday, which means no work. yes, no idlewild. its a sad thing. so me and my sister decided to go outside and lay in the grass. to try and get some sun. if you do not know, we are pale white vampire people so this was the first time we ever tried this. then after a few seconds our faces got really hot so we tried putting stuff over our face. but then after a few minutes our whole body got really hot. then we decided we were foolish and we wouldn't try that again. so we moved on to drawing on our driveway with chalk. this was fun at first. we drew a garden then a city. then we had our best idea yet. we decided to invent a game that we could play all day. we called the game sky ball which we named after the ball used in the game. SKY BALL. our sky ball was a gift from d.j. rossi. thankyou dj! =) but you can purchase your own at walmart!
1. make your sky ball court
a. get a driveway and get chalk.
b. draw a line seperating your court into 2 halves.
c. draw a pokeball in the middle of the entire court with half of the pokeball on each half.
2. recruit your player(s)
a. it is a two player game.
b. this means you need to find one friend to play with you.
c. a one player game is possible but it requires much skill and is extremely exhausting sprinting to each side of the court in order to beat the sky ball to that side.
d. if you are fortunate enough to have more than one friend, you can play tournament style.
3. rules of the game
a. it is four square, only two square.
b. if you dont know how to play four square, seek help.
c. you cannot spike. remember: sky balls go up to 75 feet
d. if the sky ball lands within the middle circle (the pokeball) then both players try to kick the ball to the opposite side of the court. whoever kicks it first, the other person recieves a negative point.
4. scoring
a. it is impossible to earn a point.
b. only negatives points when you suck
c. only one person can be negative at a time
d. if player A is negative and player B messes up, then player A only becomes less negative.
e. every mistake is worth -1 point
f. the score starts at 0,0 and will stay this way only if you are me and my sister who never mess up.
BEST GAME EVER, so thought i would share. PEACE.