Est. 12/09

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Monday, September 30, 2013

A Learning Experience

I am so completely grateful for every opportunity I have to learn and grow as a person and this semester has allowed me to do that in so many ways already. I am learning so much academically and about myself and my life. I have learned that I am not in fact super woman and I can't do everything, no matter how much I try to and want to. I have learned that I have limits and I need to respect those limits and work within them. I have persevered through sickness. I am learning how to deal with missing someone so so much that it almost hurts. I am learning what I want and don't want in a relationship and in my future. I am learning so much about medicine and the human body, which I never ever pictured myself doing. But I'm loving it. I learn so much at my job. How to work with other people. How to be respected when I am so young. How to manage children. How to be a coach. I am also learning so much about my future career and what it really means to be a dietitian. All of the work that goes into it and the many many things I can do once I graduate. It's so exciting and I love it. Everything that happens just affirms that I am doing the right thing. I love learning and I hope I continue to learn every single day for the rest of my life.

Sunday, September 15, 2013


I keep looking for an adventure to go on, but I think I'm already on one.