Est. 12/09

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Sunday, March 31, 2013

when I can't sleep I get philosophical...

That which you exude is what you surround yourself with. Positivity, knowledge, kindness. Let yours flood your surroundings and spill onto others. If you act out the best in you, you will attract the best in others.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Tiresome words

Concrete words endlessly repeating in my head,
make them stop.
Interleaved with memories,
making them harder to forget.
F r e e  me from the past.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

buy your own condoms

Currently, the Boston College student body is up in arms about the fact the the sexual health safety organization has been banned from giving out condoms like they usually do. This debate has been driving me crazy. BOSTON COLLEGE IS A CATHOLIC SCHOOL. In the Catholic religion, premarital sex is a sin. I don't see why it would be any shocker that the school wouldn't want to give out condoms so that students can have casual sex. If you want to have sex... buy your own condoms. If you can't afford them, chances are you can't afford having a child either so don't have sex. Simple as that. The fact that people are petitioning to have to the school continue to give out condoms is ridiculous. Just had to get this rant off my chest. People these days.

Sunday, March 24, 2013


Over analytical
highly nonpolitical
this moment is critical.
Irregularly radical
unusually typical
remarkably logical
a little bit magical.
Opposite of cynical
occasionally hypocritical
at the pinnacle
no other identical.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


I hear those dumb notes
The same ones every morning
They are the same
And I never like them
I should change them
Am I too lazy?
Or too forgetful?
I roll out of bed
I am a zombie
I am a robot
I am controlled
Controlled by notes
They drive me
To their own destruction 

Monday, March 11, 2013

Maybe I'll learn next time

Same mistakes. Different Day.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

waking my senses

A clock ticks in my basement
Hidden among boxes and furniture
Only heard during times of silence
Constant and steady like a heartbeat
Always been there, but I'm just noticing
It's stability puts me at ease
It never fails
I know it's there even when I can't hear it
It may have seemed like a nuisance
Until I appreciated it for what it truly was

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

who will let you in?

here are the souls
behind the doors
they peek through the hole
their eyes see the world
the world cannot see inside
unless the door is unlocked